
chasing the ineffable

Tag Archives: let it go


language as inherent, potential, ineffable and embodied

drift, L. Lambertson, 2011

Materials: cork sign-maker’s lettering

note: The letters employed in drift have a long travel history. Fabricated in Paris and shipped to a Maine sign-maker in the 1950s, they remained unopened in a barn for 60 years. They were discovered and repurposed for an art exhibition, then destined for the dumpster and landfill. I intercepted the letters for a series of détournements, culminating in a garden installation where they may return to the earth as organic mulch. Climactic conditions and the passage of time will undoubtedly carry them onto further, unexpected encounters. The iterations of use in the drift series considers this travel process as illustrative of the cyclical and transformational manner in which information moves.

Performance Art Video

unedited addresses language as phenomenology: its effects on the body, and the evolution of cognitive recognition in natural reactions to informational chaos, pain and wonder.

What if we...

…breathed before we spoke included by invitation in artist Christina Bechstein’s web-based social sculpture, What if we….

What if we… considers how we can make room for utopian, creative, imaginative thinking to co-create a new world.”

Get out of the bathroom, already

your shit’s not that fascinating
It stinks, like everybody else’s
full of the things you couldn’t digest
Your body knew enough to let it go . . .